
There’s a lot happening in Tacoma.

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Umi’s Corner Tacoma: Pairing Pies & Pints Aeroplane Icon
Umi Wagoner
June 29, 2023
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It’s a perfect Tacoman business. State Street hits all the touch points of Tacoma, fully wood decor, an open seating plan, outdoor seating with standing room, 15 rotating hand chosen tap beers, food, family-friendly, prime time hours and location. That means there’s no one that can’t pass through your doors and it’s easy to find your business. They are keeping it simple in the best way, I love the quote under their address on the website, “Located on 6th Ave, just behind Bluebeard Coffee Roasters and across from Hilltop Heritage Middle School”. You can’t miss them, and if you’re from Tacoma you can see it with your eyes closed.

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Originally only beer and natural wines were available until the pandemic changed their business, for the better. Freshly made dough every morning and Neapolitan style pizza became a part of the business and never left. The timing is impeccable - they were right on time with a taproom on the side of 6th Ave that it didn’t exist and then began providing pizza right as Tacoma began its quest for top pizza purveyor with several more opening as the restrictions lifted. State Street is a competitor, the style of pizza sets them apart but so do the recipes. They have some of the classics but there are exciting extended offerings as well. The Coach, The Burrata, Pickled Grape and Potato are all great choices that are specific to State Street. The Umi’s Corner choice is Potato thus far from the group but Pickled Grape might not taste how it sounds, you should give it a go.

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State Street

606 N State St

Tacoma, WA  98403

United States

+1 (253) 292-0017

Sunday 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Mon - Thu 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Fri - Sat 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM

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Umi’s Corner Tacoma: Boys and Berries, Fruits and Veggies

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The Grand Cinema - The People’s Popcorn

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Umi's Corner Tacoma: Meet The Shakabrah & An In-Depth Chat with Dan

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